La Alegria

This urban labyrinth will challenge orienteers with its narrow streets and exhausting climbs.

The neighborhood of La Alegria steeply rises 100 meters above sea level.

About the Map

The map of La Alegria consists of two different areas, divided by the dry river Barranco de Tahodio. On the northern side you can find the neighborhood of La Alegria that rises from sea level to above 100 meters extremely steeply. In this area physical toughness is not the only challenge orienteers will encounter: Extremely narrow and irregular streets make it a possible place for the largest sprint orienteering mistake you have ever made. On the contrary, the northern side of the river is flatter and more of a classic urban area that allows for a higher pace.

Map Samples


There are several parking lots in Urbanization Anaga (Google Maps).

  • Updated


  • Mapmaker

    Tommi Hakuli

  • Altitude

    At sea level

  • Difficulty
  • Climb
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